Spotlight | Boombotix Boombot2 Wireless Speaker

When I stuff myself into the ol’ speed-cycling kit and tighten up the tap shoes, I prefer that the sounds entering my ears are ones made by the wind and perhaps my riding companion’s voice—or my own voice if I’m solo and start to lose my mind.

But if my riding companion is a toddler I’m towing in a trailer, tunes are a nice addition to the wind’s natural music and/or the annoyance of the odd bike-path racer with an insatiable need to announce his desire to pass “on your left” with a rapid-fire succession that could rival the global Twitter feed. Relax, bub, advanced mathematics may allude me but I’ve earned a Ph.D. in riding a straight line. Besides, I’m quite certain I had full understanding of your intention before you’d opened your mouth for the second time. Plus, my kid’s packing a plastic shovel and has recently learned how to use it as a weapon. But I digress….

All the essential trailer-ride accessories

All the essential trailer-ride accessories

When you head out on the road—or path in this case—with a very young human in a trailer, you need lots of stuff. We pack a shovel, rubber ducky, water bottle, snacks, iPod and the Boombotix Boombot2 speaker. And, if you’re wondering, we’re loaded with rockabilly, mariachi, Hank III and Motörhead playlists.

As I mentioned earlier, the shovel is a recent addition to our bike-ride kit, but we’ve been using and abusing the BB2 for several months now. The little Boombotix speaker is ridiculously easy to use—it only took me about a minute to sort out how to turn the thing on and connect it, via Bluetooth, to my iPhone.

Dried food residue and drool not included

Dried food residue and drool not included

My 18-month-old riding-partner has been fascinated with the Boombot2’s visual appeal and toddler-friendly weight, not to mention the fact that it emits music. Like magic. From time to time, he also thinks the Boombot2 tastes pretty good. He’s dipped it in ketchup, thrown it, kicked it, drooled on it, tried to sneak it into the dishwasher and successfully sneaked it into the freezer—and the cool little speaker keeps on belting out the jams.

Clip it wherever you your shirt pocket.

Clip it wherever you your shirt pocket.

I have plenty of friends with compromised hearing because they liked their speakers cranked to 11, so I am definitely the decibel cop when it comes to the ears of my little riding buddy, but the little BB2 is more than capable of Raining Blood in my garage at a volume that would surely scare away any speed-metal haters. And the USB-rechargable battery offers enough play life to keep those haters out of my garage for quite some time.

At an agreeable 70 bucks, and with a 1-year, no-matter-what warranty, the tough little Boombot 2 is a solid choice for your portable-speaker needs. And it makes an awesome plaything for your trailer-bound training partner—if you have one of those. | $70

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