Theater Thursday

Theater Thursday Special Edition: #useyourweekend

Sorry folks, normally Theater Thursday is meant to let you sit back and relax, but class is in session for this week’s video, which means it comes with a little assignment at the end.

Sure, two days (four if you do the right thing and call in sick on Friday) doesn’t seem like much, but remember that the bicycle was meant for covering some serious ground in an efficient, yet expedient manner.

So, basically what that means is, you’ve got some homework from us this weekend:

1) Set your alarms for the crack of dawn—sleep is for suckers.
2) Find adventure (in any of its various forms…) using two wheels
3) Turn in your homework on the Paved Facebook page via a shared photo and a brief story, or, turn in the assignment via Twitter by tweeting a photo to @pavedmag using the hashtag #useyourweekend

Now here’s some inspiration in video form:

Use Your Weekend

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